The Social Innovation Cluster is an informal group of non-governmental and public organizations whose main goal is to take an innovative approach to solving social problems and promote the creation of clusters, networks of organizations or other forms of pseudo-organizations in the third sector. The cluster was established in 2017 by the Institute and 4 other organizations by the Silesian Province. We conduct strategic projects for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, and implement operational activities in cooperation with NIW-CRSO. We coordinate youth activities, supporting the acquisition and improvement of social skills. In addition to social projects, the cluster successfully runs a social organization - a free-market restaurant, which is also a place for reintegration of people with intellectual disabilities. The cluster is a certified social economy support center, working for the economization and strategic development of PES in the Silesian province. For the affiliated organizations, the cluster plays a representative role, ensures consistency of marketing approach, allows to concentrate communication channels between organizations and external entities.

All consultations and services at the Foreigners Support Center are free of charge


The Support Center for Foreigners is located in Gliwice. The main objective of our center is to provide free assistance to foreigners in their adaptation in Poland. The center provides free advice and assistance on legalization and residence in Poland, psychological assistance and labor rights. Migrants living in the Silesian province can get help from an integration counselor, lawyer, psychologist and vocational counselor at the Center. The Support Center for Foreigners is open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We work remotely (email, phone, Viber) and also arrange face-to-face meetings in the office.

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